What does UAC do when we have to cancel a float?

What does UAC do when we have to cancel a float?

Posted by Kayoda on Wed, 08/21/2013 - 12:12am
Why we go out and paddle! This weekends float was cancelled due to high water levels on the Kansas river. 15,000 cfs (cubic feet per second) is UAC's cut off for putting groups of paddlers on the water. It was 19,600 cfs on Saturday. After canceling we had a small group of experienced paddlers that wanted to go out regardless and we couldn't blame them because we wanted to go out also! There were some first for us this weekend. Our first time to the other side of the railroad bridge tunnel and my first time to paddle a tree! Sorry to all the paddlers that couldn't be with us this weekend and we hope to see you all back out soon!