The man with the golden key to the Kaw

The man with the golden key to the Kaw

Posted by shannon on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 9:35pm

I figured it was time some recognition was handed out to someone who plays a key role in UAC's best floats. Anyone who has floated with us at least once has either experienced or heard us brag about "Jay's Run", our favorite little stretch of the Kaw that just seems to out-shine any other stretch that we paddle. Meet Jay.

Jay's Run, however, is not your typical public access boat ramp. To get to this favored stretch of the Kaw we have to drive down a gravel road, which turns into a dirt road, and then a path that skirts the edge of a soy bean crop, and finally walk down a small hill (often through the mud) about 200 yards to the river's edge. It's all worth it as we hit curvy river bends, bald eagle nests and perfect sandbars around every bend. Jay makes this possible for us, not only by letting us drag large groups of sometimes unruly people past his house and through his property, but also by occasionally cutting down the path and clearing brush to make the journey to our little Mecca on the Kaw a bit easier.  Best part about Jay's Run? We're the only game in town that runs it!  Here's to you, Jay! And your drinks are on us at the campout this year!