Thunder Moon

Thunder Moon

Posted by Kayoda on Fri, 07/26/2013 - 1:05am

When UAC set up and named our floats in early January we could have not named this float any more true to its name Thunder Moon. With a 54% chance of storms for the night Uncle Ron and I pushed ahead and decided to paddle. We are so glad that we did! The evening started with rain and thunder announcing its self to us as we pushed off from Jay’s. 2 miles into the float the rain started to let up and the sky began to brighten up to the northwest. From that point on Mother Nature gave us one heck of a show for our not giving up on her. A sunset that lightened up the sky to an array of soft hues to brilliant colors and a full moon that slipped through the clouds and beamed down on us and our campfire. A truly humbling experience! So UAC sends out a huge thank you to some very adventurous paddlers and Mother Nature for letting us participate in another spectacular full moon float! Puppy